17 simple ways to win your woman's heart a

Do you know your wife can be so understandable and easy to lead if you learn how to win her, make her your best forever?. These are Magical strategies that can make a Lady always crave for you, and ever ready to serve you, even though you never give her a dime...

These Simple tips will help you get the very best of your woman, if you follow it promptly. 

Many men think it’s hard to control a Lady, or make her always wish and willingly comply with their guidelines, but that’s not true. Below are wonderful tips, things you can apply to better enjoy your wife from today.

#1- Always appreciate her
#2- Keep your financial status opened to her
#3- Let her know your plans, most especially on your money.
#4- Share your experience for each day with her.
#5- Always give room for her response
#6- Take time to ask her questions  about her she spent her day
#7- Never shun her:
#8- Tell her sorry when you're wrong.
#9- Help her in homework, even in the kitchen when you not busy.
#10- Play with her you’re like a baby
#11- Satisfy her sexual interest
#12- Correct her with love
#13- Celebrate her on her day:
#14- Never raise your hand against her
#15- Always prepare your mind for answers to some unexpected questions
#16- Avoid exchanging words with her.
#17- Show interest in her favorites

Pleasing your wife  goes beyond the ability to provide enough money or food. Some men often surprise that despite their daily struggles to satisfy their women and the entire family, the wife does not seem to appreciate it. Every woman’s unique in her own way, and often occasionally enticed by various stuff, but it’s a man’s duty, for example, to study and know his wife well enough, her “strengths” and “weaknesses” and while he does all he could to help improve her to her very best. 
P.S.: While I always encourage both spouses to love and honor themselves; your wife is the best thing that has happened to you, and could help you succeed sooner than you ever imagined. Don’t act like a man with a knife still looking for cutlass to cut a small fish. Your woman is so rich in beauty, discover it and you’ll bless God you did.

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